This problem happens when the page cache exceeds the WP nonce life, which is typically 12 hours (source). To fix this, just set the cache to timeout under 12 hours (see tutorial for Swift Performance (jump to General > Cache expiry)(WP Rocket should be under 12 hours by default).
With sites hosted with Gridpane however, there is another cache on the server level, could be Redis or FastCGI depending on your plan and setup. You can either change the timeout rules, or exclude these pages from caching (test it from this link, step 3).
Alternatively if you don’t have SSH/root access, you can just connect via SFTP to /var/www/yourwebsite.url/nginx/custom-skip-redis-cache-context.conf (edit file, or create a new file), add the code from step 2 here, then ask GP support to reload the Nginx configuration.